Our Biggest Announcement in 2012 & The Contest Winners

05/08/2012 | 19 Comments

Recently I was at Startup 2012…

Startup 2012 is NYC’s premier business plan competition and entrepreneurship conference. It covers all the crucial topics in entrepreneurship, and one winner goes home with $75,000 worth of cash, goods, and services at day’s end.

I was there with Jay Abraham, he’s been working with some of the biggest start-ups in the world.

My interest, other than hanging out with my good buddy and mentor, was that I’ve been studying this space for a little over a year now.

I’ve been watching the top venture capitalists, reading dozens of books about tech start ups, and analyzing the marketing behind rapidly successful start-ups.

What I found will change Internet marketing forever


My Online Business: An Assessment

10/12/2009 | 22 Comments

Yeah, I went there with the Jetsons reference. And no, I’m not going to announce the addition of the Spacely Sprockets to the Strategic Profits family…

But I wanted to get your attention. Because not long ago, I took a good hard look at my business. And I didn’t like what I saw.

Let me explain…

About a year ago, I decided to take a step back and do a quick assessment of Strategic Profits.

And at that time, things were going pretty well. With the help of my mentor, Jay Abraham, and a crack team of specialists, I had built this company from nothing into a multi-million dollar marketing and business building powerhouse .

So money was coming in at a steady clip, our reputation was stellar in the marketplace, and the future looked very bright.

Which meant the overall picture was very positive, right?


Upon further inspection, I saw that we weren’t growing nearly as fast as I wanted to.

Even though things were going good, I really wanted to take things to the next level, a level that we had never experienced before.

Ever Feel Like This?I kinda felt like George Jetson on that crazy treadmill. Doing a lot of running in the right direction, but not getting where I wanted to go.

So I did what I always do when I need sound advice and wisdom: I went to see Jay Abraham and did my George Jetson impersonation:

“How do I get OFF this thing?”

Jay just smiled like he always does, and said something so profound that it changed my business perspective forever:

“Rich,” he said, “I can give you my insight on which direction you should go. But I think you should also get a second opinion. And a third. And maybe even a fourth.”


“Listen,” he continued. “You’re at a crossroads in your business, and the next step you take will be crucial. So you need to gather input from a variety of different sources to give you an enhanced view of your current status–and a clearer picture of where to go.”

Now, Jay ‘s never steered me wrong about thing like this. So for the next several months, that’s exactly what I did.

I dove into dozens of books, audios, and videos from over 50 of the world’s most highly respected and successful business people

My goal was simple: To get to the next level in my business and continue the record-breaking growth we had experienced.

What I discovered was INCREDIBLE. There were so many amazing viewpoints and ideas…strategies I would have never considered before…tactics that were mind-blowingly simple, yet profitable beyond anything we could have ever dreamed of…and new twists to current ideologies that opened up a world of possibilities.

I took all of this explosive information and started connecting the dots, putting together an aggressive growth plan that would take Strategic Profits into the next decade.

Slowly, we began climbing the mountain once again. Step by step, our team took action and implemented the new techniques that had been revealed to us by these masterminds.

That was about 8 months ago. And today, we’re seeing the fruits of that labor.

We’re poised to have one of our biggest years yet, while my workload is less than half of what it used to be.

Which means more time for me, for Deb, for the girls, and for the things I love doing most. And that’s what it’s REALLY all about.

So what’s the moral of this story?

Simple. It wasn’t until I started seeking the business advice of MANY (rather than the business advice of one) that all these monumental insights were handed down to me.

If I had just stuck with one viewpoint, I would have never been exposed to the multiple perceptions of others. And I wouldn’t have seen the unending possibilities–and the tremendous profit opportunities–that were available to me.

But by tapping into their vast areas of expertise, I was able to view things with a perspective I would have never experienced before.

Sounds pretty cool, doesn’t it?

Well get ready…because over the next few days, I’m going to reveal exactly how you too can leverage the credibility and influence of the same world-famous business advisors that I did.

It’s called the “League of Extraordinary Minds”, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before (or will ever seen again).

So keep an eye on your inbox. Because we’re about to make business history.

To Higher Profits,


The Internet Marketing Call That Made History–Three Times Over

05/28/2009 | 370 Comments


MAY 29TH: Special Note From Rich Schefren:

HOLY MOLY… we did it again!

REPLAY #1 – Filled to CAPACITY

REPLAY #2 – Filled to CAPACITY

Just like the first time… we CRUSHED the capacity of the Teleseminar Replay tonight and not only had to have the Teleseminar company add more lines…  but… we actually had to have them immediately schedule a SECOND back-to-back replay at 9PM ET to accommodate all of the marketers who registered!

CRAZY thing is…

We STILL weren’t sure if we’d be able to accommodate everyone who registered.  So, Brian, our resident Chief Operations Officer, was thankfully able to work his magic and convince the Teleseminar company to let us do a desperately needed THIRD REPLAY early this morning May 29th.

ONLY PROBLEM WAS… in the midst of all of the craziness going on with all of these replays, our VP of Marketing posted the WRONG TIME for the replay.

So, to make it up to you, we’ve just decided to give you the AUDIO RECORDING and WORD-FOR-WORD TRANSCRIPT of the entire Teleseminar so you can listen right now, instead of waiting for another replay or something.


To Higher Profits,

P.S. If you were able to get on one of the replays tonight, I’d love hear what was your biggest takeaway from the call.  Share your comments below.


New Record: The Most Internet Marketing Superstars on 1 Teleseminar - EVER

Whew…just trying to catch my breath after a whirlwind past couple of days…

As you may already know, I spent over 2 hours on the phone with a group of friends, business associates, and former coaching clients who are now world famous gurus.

And I’m proud to say that it was an unprecedented call for several different reasons–two of which I saw coming, and one of which was COMPLETELY unexpected.

Let me explain…

First of all, this call was completely the opposite of what most people expect on a teleseminar.

Usually, it’s YOU with the problem and THEM offering a solution, right?

Well, in this case, we made a 180 degree turn–it was THEM with the problem instead of you. And it was my job to find out how they solved it.

My goal in this call was to delve into their biggest issues, going straight to the heart of the matter by simply asking each participant 4 quick questions:

  • What was your biggest constraint to your business?
  • How did you overcome that?
  • What was the quantifiable results of your solution?
  • What did you take away from it?

Then I moved on to the next guru in the queue. Which brings me to the second unprecedented occurrence…

A group of this magnitude and million-dollar firepower has never–EVER–been assembled for one call.

Usually, a couple of gurus will tag team on a call. And once in a while you’ll see a third swoop in for a few minutes.


I mean, take a look at this lineup:

  • Mike Filsaime
  • Brad Fallon
  • Jeff Walker
  • Frank Kern
  • Willie Crawford
  • Joel Comm
  • Liz Thompson
  • John Carlton
  • Yaro Starak
  • Tellman Knudsen
  • Michael Cheney
  • Kevin Hogan

Pretty amazing, isn’t it? But there they were, waiting patiently for their turn to spill their secrets.

And the answers they gave were MIND-BLOWING. For example…

Joel Comm revealed how playing to his strengths took him from a struggling one-man show to almost $10 million a year in profits…

Mike Filsaime talked about taking his $30,000 a month business and multiplying it by tenfold, hitting the $375,000 a month mark in less than a year by making one simple mindset shift (that you can easily implement today)…

Frank Kern recently got over a hump that plopped 2000 new customers into his lap in 65 minutes. And all came from one realization: “Your brain will lie to you.” In the call, Frank hands you the warning signs to know if your brain is helping–or hurting–your business…

Brad Fallon shows us why his past business attempts all ended up going south, and how he discovered the key connection between strategy and execution that helped create not one–but two 8 figures-a-year businesses…

Tellman Knudson had a business plan that was flawed from the start. But once he and I focused on a single change in his strategy, Tellman turned a small coaching program into an $894,600 profit windfall…

Willie Crawford was trying to do everything himself (sound familiar?) and heading towards burnout. But after learning this secret technique, he began adding talented resources–and big time profits…

I floored Yaro Starak with my out-of-the-blue recommendation. But he reluctantly followed my lead and saw an immediate jump in his income. Get the whole story inside…

Fantastic stuff. And there’s MANY more content-rich tidbits where those came from.

But as if that wasn’t enough, now it gets even better…

Because you people decided to trump both of my accomplishments with something that completely took me by surprise.

See, we had scheduled the first call and we filled up those lines in a heartbeat.

“No biggie”, we thought. “We’ll just add a replay for those few hundred entrepreneurs who got shut out.”

Those “few hundred”…seems almost comical to say that now–especially after what transpired next.

To put it bluntly, when the word went out about the replay, the floodgates didn’t just open–they were BLOWN TO BITS.

If you saw my last Twitter post, you know I was up at 3:00 am last night, watching the registrations roll in at an average of 6-10 per minute.

That’s up to 60 a minute, or 3600 an hour. At 3:00 am on a Monday night.

Yeah, that’s what I thought too.

Needless to say, this was not only our biggest call ever…but by far the biggest call in the history of our industry.

But honestly, if it didn’t do a thing for you…if it didn’t help transform your mindset…if it didn’t turn on the light and reveal the ugly, nasty thing that’s holding you back from success…

Then it wasn’t worth a dime.

So with that said, I want to know what you thought about this call….

Tell me everything–and I mean EVERYTHING. I want to know what you learned…when you had that “aha” moment…and how it’s going to change your business.

And if I didn’t deliver, then let me know that too.

Go ahead–fire with both barrels. I can take it.

In fact, feel free to post your comments below so everyone can see. I’ll be monitoring them and chiming in from time to time, and you never know when I might shoot a message right back at you.

Sound good?

Great–thanks for joining me on the call, and I can’t wait to see what your thoughts are…

To Higher Profits,

Transcending To A Higher Level

09/11/2008 | 42 Comments

Okay, before you start thinking that I’ve gone all “Gandhi” on you today, hear me out…

Because I want to take your business to the next level. And before this blog post is finished, I’m going to hand you some tools to help you do exactly that.

Let me explain…

The call we did earlier this week was phenomenal. We had more people register, more people listening in, and more people commenting on it than any other call we’ve ever done.

But what’s even more satisfying than setting new records is the fact that you obviously got a lot of valuable, life-changing content from this.

Because the comments we’ve received so far are blowing us away. Here’s a few…

“Massive value is an understatement in regards to the information you shared with us…” — Chaney Alulis

“Stunned. At the end, it even brought a few tears, that I thought I was beyond.” — Bruce Brodeen

“For the first time it provoked me to think effectively what is really holding me back.” — Dr. Kazi Anam

“Anyone who is serious about success in online marketing would do well to listen..” — Roger Johnson

“I can’t wait to see what you unveil later in September!” — R. Newhart

(hang on–we’ll get to that in a moment)

Now, we appreciate the fact that this call really opened the eyes of thousands of entrepreneurs, and we’re grateful for the chance to bring it to you.

But there’s something that I’m grateful for even MORE…

In reading your comments, I can see that your truly GETTING IT.

Stated more clearly, you get the fact that:

  • my guru clients have struggled with the same stumbling blocks you now need to overcome…
  • your mindset matters and getting the right mentor is critical to side-stepping the land mines in your path
  • fast growth involves identifying and eliminating the one core constraint currently holding both you and your biz back…
  • your strengths determine your potential, but your constraint determines your level of success…
  • most entrepreneurs spend the majority of their time achieving false-efficencies which have little impact on your success…

Believe or not, writing those past five sentences gives me goosebumps, because I know your now getting on the same path my biggest success stories have traveled on…

Because as a teacher, mentor, trainer, and coach, I know what happens to entrepreneurs who don’t know those five facts. I’ve seen thousands of online entrepreneurs thrash around in the same nasty (opportunity-seeker) pit for years on end…

They pursue success as if it were a race… and end up spinning their wheels in a desperate attempt to track down the “magic pill” that promises some mysterious shortcut to be an ‘instant-winner’, and we both know where that leads (nowhere)…

No matter how hard they work or how much they spend, they never realize success can be so much simpler if they stopped looking outside and started looking inside to determine the single constraint holding them back. The one thing guaranteed to give the fastest, and biggest payoff.

In other words, they never GET IT.

But with Monday’s call (and the replays), I’m ecstatic that my guru clients were able to pull back the curtain and shed some light on your situation.

And now, you’re ready to take that next big step on your way to the success you’ve been seeking.

So where do we go from here?

Up, my friends. Further and farther up.

If you’re ready to proceed on your journey to a higher level of awareness (with even higher profits) and a better understanding of how you can leverage the very same tools I’ve used to skyrocket businesses in record time (while the entrepreneur slashes their work hours), then I’ve got something you’ll want to hear…

On this page, I’ve loaded up 3 case studies from the archives. These coaching clients were once struggling like many of you who commented on my blog…but their success skyrocketed in record time (you’ll get the complete inside story how). And check this out: all three of these entrepreneurial success stories continue on to this day, meaning the phenomenal success documented kept going and going (like the energizer bunny) dwarfing the already incredible results they had achieved.

Meaning, sustainable success – a fast growing business – along with a lifestyle that allows these entrepreneurs the ability to enjoy it.

You’ll hear from:

    • Jim Edwards. Jim came to me exhausted and completely overworked. In fact, he was very close to quitting the internet business entirely. Find out how Jim pulled himself out of this hole here…

    • Mike Filsaime. You heard from Mike on the call, but we only scratched the surface of the whole story. Mike’s profits multiplied over TEN TIMES after we made some simple changes in his business. Learn what they were here…

  • Hans and Dani Johnson: This husband-and-wife team had everything–a thriving business, a growing family, and a bright future. But after seeing one my presentations, they realized the single critical element that was missing. See what that was here…

Consider Monday’s call ‘Internet-Success 101’ where you got a quick overview on some very important concepts (IF YOU HAVEN’T LISTENED TO MONDAY’S CALL CLICK HERE FIRST)

Now it’s time for ‘Internet Success 102’ – we’ll take the same issues we touched on in the call, and go even deeper. giving you a better perspective on how to really build a profitable business that delivers the freedom and wealth you desire.

And right now, they’re yours for the taking.

So if you’re ready to take your understanding and your business up a another notch or two…

Go there right now and soak it in.

I promise you–there’ll be no chanting or incense. Just profoundly profitable advice 😉

To Higher Profits,


P.S. BTW…I’ve already started getting questions about the coaching program I mentioned on the call. Don’t worry I’ll have more to share soon. But right now, with the record number of entrepreneurs listening to the conference call and even more reserving their priority copy of my next report (you can reserve your free copy here) I’d rather focus on you and what you and your business needs first.

But make sure to mark your calendar on Wednesday, September 17th, because that’s when the you’ll get your copy of my next report (if you’ve opted-into the priority list here) So, start getting ready to grow your business and reclaim your life, because it’s all going to get a lot easier real soon.

More to come on that…so stay tuned.

And don’t forget–when you’re finished listening to the case studies, come back and post your biggest takeaways here. (I was literally blown away by your comments on the last post… and it’s making dig deep to give you more (lots more) – I’m a sucker for appreciation)

Can’t wait to see them…

A WWE Smackdown At Strategic Profits? What a Rush!

09/02/2008 | 41 Comments

Things are getting a little out of hand at Strategic Profits this week…

Tempers are flaring. Veins are popping. Normal conversations are turning into shouting matches.

I swear, you’d think this was the WWE instead of a marketing business (was that a chair that just went flying over my head?).

Seriously though, we did have a major rift in the office this week. And here’s what’s happened…

We were THIS close to releasing the new report. All the graphics were done, the formatting finished, and it looked fantastic.

The only thing left to do was cut it down to a more manageable size (if you recall, my first draft came in at over 300 pages). So I got the team together and the editors and asked them one question:

“What goes and what stays?”

We started poring through the report, line by line, and discussing how and where to trim it down.

And that’s where the trouble started.

Everyone had a different opinion. Some wanted certain sections left in, while others felt that they only hindered the main message. Still the editors thought most–if not all–of the content should be left as is.

And as we went on, it was blatantly apparent that nobody wanted to give in. Discussions became more and more heated. The fur started to fly. I even had to separate a couple of team members before they came to blows.

It was ugly. And I mean UGLY.

Like, why not put out all 300 pages right? That’s what some want because they felt it was so good.

I will explain why not soon.

Then, like a ray of sunshine through the dark clouds, a single voice spoke up:

“Why don’t we let our readers decide?”

It was Kristen, one of our newest (and quietest) employees at Strategic Profits.

Kristen is the voice you hear when you call our offices. She hadn’t said two words throughout the entire debacle until just now. But when she did, they were pure GOLD.

We instantly stopped arguing, looked shamefully at each other, and collectively thought the same thing:


So long story short, we’re putting the editing job into your hands. We want to know what YOU want to know. And here’s how it works.

Clicking on that link above (or email to BlogReply (AT) Strategicprofits.com ) within the next couple days and it will send us an email where you can answer 3 simple questions:

  • How long have you had an online business?
  • Are you making the kind of money and achieving the level of success and freedom you thought you would be by now?
  • Why or why not?

That’s it. Once we get your answers tallied, we’ll dive back into the report and tailor it to your particular wants, needs, and desires.

I assure you that all your questions, concerns, and stumbling blocks will be addressed in your report–BUT you have to tell us what they are first.

So please go here now and do exactly that. It will only take a moment.

I’ll try to hold the fort until you do. Anybody got a taser I can borrow?

To Higher Profits,


P.S. As if our in-office Battle Royal wasn’t enough, now we’ve got an even more serious situation brewing here in South Florida…

Hanna, Ike, and Josephine may sound like a 60’s folk singing group. But they’re actually 3 deadly tropical storms that are barreling through the Atlantic on a beeline towards our Delray Beach office.

So needless to say, we’ll be keeping one eye on your answer submissions and the other glued to the Weather Channel. Because when these things make landfall, they can wreak SERIOUS havoc.

Please keep us in your prayers…

The Rumors Are True: A New Report Is Coming…

08/28/2008 | 85 Comments

Okay, time to come clean…

It’s been rumored all over the internet, I’ve been teasing you about it for a while, and I’ve even let it slip in a few emails and blog posts.

But what you’re hearing is true–there’s a new report on the way.

Watch this video and see if it whets your appetite…

Now, I must tell you: this report is very unique from the others…

Because the previous reports only took me a few weeks, maybe a month at most to put together. All the info was upstairs–I just had to spill it out on paper.

But this one was totally the opposite. In fact, it’s been coming together, slowly but surely, for almost a year now.

See, I started noticing certain things about our business…certain “rules” that used to apply but don’t anymore.

And with each discovery, I would tuck it away in the back of my head, thinking “That’s something I need to change in my business right away and tell my blog readers about.”

But then something interesting happened. To put it into disc jockey lingo, “the hits just kept on comin’.”

As I went on, more and more discrepancies started popping up…significant differences in how things used to work and how they work now.

And we’re not talking about subtle changes. We’re talking MAJOR shifts in business building strategy.

These are died-in-the-wool principles and standards that are still revered as age-old gospel today…but in reality, aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.

So as the “back of my head” began to get a little overcrowded, I began jotting them down into my notes.

And before I knew it, I had the makings of a KILLER report.

Now, I knew I had to get all this down as quickly as possible in order to get the word out to thousands of entrepreneurs who were still following the old paths.

And to be honest, there was no way to get it done around the office. Too many distractions.

So I got away from it all–and I mean GOT AWAY–jetting to the remote wilderness of the Canadian North.

I spent the next 3 weeks with no phone line, no internet, and nothing to lure me from my task at hand.

And when I finally returned to Delray Beach (tired, unshaven, and resembling Grizzly Adams), I was completely tapped out mentally–but BURSTING at the seams to show everyone what I had on my laptop.

Right now, I’m still putting the final tweaks and edits on this baby (first draft came in at 380 pages but the final report will be slimed down to the best parts…talk about your mother of all brain dumps).

And the best part is, you’ll be the first to see it.

That’s correct–when I unleash this report on the world, everyone on my lists will be the first in line to get their hands on a copy.

I’ll send out an email with a link to the download page.

So if you’re NOT on one of my lists (and why aren’t you?) and you want to be among the first to see what all the fuss is about, then go here NOW and sign up immediately.

Our strict privacy policy keeps your email address
100% safe & secure.

Because what’s inside my newest free offering is unlike anything you’ve seen before. And it very well could mean the difference between success and failure for your business.

Don’t mean to scare you, but it’s true. In fact, some of these discoveries scared ME. Because I was buying into this baloney just like everyone else.

But I immediately put some processes in place to eliminate what was holding me back from doubling or even tripling my bottom line. And I began to move forward on the cusp of the most exciting trends to hit our marketplace since the web was born.

And it’s already paying off in a BIG way (more on that later).

So stay tuned…because pretty soon, things are going to get REALLY interesting around here.

Consider yourself warned. 😉

To Higher Profits,


P.S. As you’ll see in the video above, the report is only the tip of the iceberg…

In September, we’re going to change the way you do business online (and offline for that matter) with a system that’s going to blow everything else out of the water.

It’s true–everything you’ve learned so far, all the dusty old tactics and tired, beaten-to-death methods are history.

It’s a whole new world out there…one brimming with tremendous opportunity for unprecedented wealth, success, and freedom…and you’re going to be among the first to capitalize on it.

I can’t wait until you see what I’ve got for you. In the meantime, want to speculate?

Because you can in the comments below. Tell me what you think is inside this breakthrough new system, and I’ll give you the hot-warm-cold signs.

Go ahead–tell me what you’re thinking!

There’s An Empty Chair At My Table With Your Name On It!

10/03/2007 | 10 Comments

So we had this meeting recently at Strategic Profits, and I was looking around the room at my team. What a collection of All-Stars we have

– There’s Brian, Mr. Harvard Business School himself, my right hand man…
– Anna, the Jamaican Wonder, whose attention to detail makes my events shine…
– Dwain, our marketing guy and resident Canadian who eats and sleeps hockey…
– Artie, our software developer who leads our team of overseas developers…
– Lauren, our graphic design expert and our cookie queen…
– Ken, our whiz at content creation, online marketing, and music trivia…
– Matt, our writer who researches the blogs and social media landscape…
– Christina, fresh out of college, eager to write, and brand new to the Florida lifestyle…
– Ricardo, our finance guy, who makes sure the money keeps flowing where it should…
– Carlton, our customer service pro, whose smooth voice makes problems disappear…

As well as the rest of my superstar team in Florida and at productive locations overseas.

These are my colleagues… my teammates… my friends. And I cherish each and every one of them. 


The Business Growth System

03/13/2007 |

Hey Guys,

The program is called the “Business Growth System”.

I’ve invested the last two years of my life developing and refining the most results-driven coaching program for entrepreneurs, marketers and small business owners as humanly possible.

I’ve poured my heart and soul into this thing.

Some people have compared it to an MBA for business builders. It’s an engrossing experience that drenches you with the mindset necessary for building a company that can produce massive income streams, even allowing you to work less as you make more.

One of the most important aspects is that it gives you a complete foundation for running a successful company. After you’re finished with my program, you’ll be capable of running a million dollar operation without breaking a sweat.

My goal is to transform you into a business building master. Into an entrepreneur who knows how to leverage his or her time and energy in the most efficient way possible. Someone who knows how to quickly build scale into to an operation to allow for maximum profits in the shortest possible time. I want you to get projects off the ground and to completion in the blink of an eye. I want you to find and then focus the efforts of an all-star team to effectively execute your grand (and profitable) vision.

Oh, did I forget to mention cash flow?

In my program, I give you the blunt truth about what it takes to quickly ramp up cash so that you have the resources you need to quickly take your business to the next level. I take cash flow VERY seriously and you’ll learn the exact methods I’ve used (in several businesses) to get the money flowing into the company at break-neck speed.

All of this is delivered to you inside a cutting-edge online coaching system. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Not only do you get an entrepreneurial education second to none, but you get access to a library of resources that you will not find anywhere else.

In fact, some of the stuff that’s included as a bonus is sold elsewhere for several thousand bucks. And since I have built relationships with the publishers of these products, they’ve agreed to allow me to provide them to you as part of my program. Due to contractual agreements, I cannot tell you who they are, but let’s just say they are premier experts in their respective fields.

But that’s just a small part of what you’ll get as a member of my Business Growth System. Here’s what else you’ll get:

12 In-Depth Profit Modules – In these, I lay out step-by-step exactly what you must do to build an extremely profitable company. I’ve got to warn you. These modules are sometimes overwhelming for some people. I pour a significant amount of time and detail into each one. But by saturating you with my insights and experience I’m hoping to over communicate the points I feel are necessary for you to build a wildly successful company. Each month you’ll receive a new module to help you grow your business in a methodical and profitable manner.

12 Comprehensive Action Guides
– This is where you get to take what you’ve learned in the module and apply it. These guide books will assist you in implementing everything you learn directly into your life and into your business. This is where the rubber meets the road.

And that just about covers it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here.

An Unintended Lesson In Business

02/16/2007 | 58 Comments

Hey Guys,

Rich Schefren here. This email is long… but it’s important. And it has some valuable lessons…

Let me tell you… pulling off that live video stream from our seminar last weekend was pretty thrilling. It was also historic and groundbreaking.

In fact, the company that we used for the video feed is putting together a big press release – I think it was the largest live video feed they have EVER done in ANY market.

HOWEVER, last weekend wasn’t all beauty and grace.

In fact, I have a rather large confession to make.

Since there is no real way to sugar coat it, here it is: in one very big way, I really dropped the ball. This is the deal…

My plan for the live video stream was to deliver a knock-out brand-new presentation that has never been seen before. It was going to be about taking a company from start up and growing it into a business that truly gave you freedom.

The working title was “From Startup To Freedom”.

I have spent literally weeks with this material, and I have all the mindmaps to prove it.

But in the days leading up to my seminar last weekend my life was consumed by moving my entire company to a new office complex, and I was also busy preparing for the twelve other presentations that I was going to give at the seminar for all my coaching clients.

The end result was that I went into the weekend seminar with nothing but catnaps in the 80 hours before the event started.

Not a good way to start a seminar, and I am not proud of it.

In fact, the only way that I was able to pull the event off was with prodigious amounts of Red Bull… and a really crack team that was supporting me every step of the way.

But those things can only carry you so far. And at 1:00pm on Saturday I was scheduled to appear in front of the biggest crowd of my life… a live video stream with 10,000 people watching.

So around 11:30am, while I was up on stage giving a different presentation, the key insiders on my team huddled out in the hallway talking about revising my strategy for the live video feed.

And there conclusion was unanimous… they didn’t want me getting up in front of the huge streaming video audience and giving a brand-new presentation in my current sleep deprived state.

In fact, it was even worse… my team had just finished creating the Powerpoint presentation for “Startup To Freedom” that very morning while I was on stage.

Don’t get me wrong – I had been working on the presentation for weeks… but the Powerpoint is always the last piece to get finished… and in this case it was getting finished on Saturday morning while I was up on stage giving my other talks.

That’s the way it is, and the way business often gets done. It ain’t always pretty.

In any case, I would have been presenting my new talk from a brand-new Powerpoint that I had never even seen in a finished form.

So when I got off the stage around noon for our lunch break, my team pulled me aside to give me their recommendation… which was to NOT deliver my “Startup To Freedom” talk. Instead, they suggested a talk that was based on some of my core teaching… a talk that I had given before.

This wasn’t an easy decision.

But I will tell you this… having a team worrying about this type of stuff for you really is an amazing thing. Building this type of organization is the kind of stuff I have been teaching all along, and it really is breathtaking when you’ve put it all together.

In any case, I made the painful decision to go with a presentation that I was SURE I could deliver well… rather than a brand-new presentation that would have rough around the edges (especially in my sleep-deprived state).

My biggest concern, of course, was for my current clients who were at the seminar who had already seen this talk before. And I was also worried about the people who had promoted the live video stream for me.

But in the end, it was my call and still think it was the right way to go.

Since the seminar, I’ve read a few blog posts by people complaining that this material wasn’t new. Those people are 100% correct.

I apologize for that. I promised new material, and I didn’t deliver. That’s the cold, honest truth.

However, I’m going to make it up to you…

To make things right I’m going to deliver my keynote presentation online for the world to see.

Keep in mind that this presentation is my latest and greatest insights into how to rapidly take your business to the next level.

I will be sending you details on how to access that presentation in the next day or two, so please stay tuned.

Finally, I just want to say this… when you are working on great things (such as rapidly building a multi-million dollar business), then sometimes things get a little messy.

It’s not easy. Don’t let anyone tell you it will be. Take it from me, because I’ve done it several times.

There will be times when you’re completely drained, completely exhausted, and may even feel defeated.

But as long as you’re focusing on the right things and keeping the momentum moving forward, you will make progress.

And remember – when you’re knocked down, you’ve got to get back up.

In any case, look for my new “Startup To Freedom” video presentation in the next day or two. And get ready for a mind-blowing presentation – it’s going to rock your world…

Warm Regards,
Rich Schefren

P.S. Remember… in business you have to stay nimble. That is the only way to be, or you will get eaten up and spit out by your competition. I have built a team, and that team enabled me to stay nimble last weekend. And I couldn’t be more proud of my team. I just keep trying to live up to them. That’s why it hurt so bad when I stumbled last weekend.

P.P.S. I guess I’m really letting it all hang out with this email. But I have been an open book all along… if I am going to teach, then I need to be honest about what’s going on in my business and my life. Now I am going to go and try to duck all the slings and arrows that will be coming my way after I publish it.

LIVE Streaming Video Discussion Thread

02/10/2007 | 406 Comments

UPDATE: Sorry for the delay, we couldn’t login to WordPress because of overwhelming traffic.

Hey Guys,

If you made it here, then I you are coming from a link on my live video stream…

I will admit it right here – this is really a bit of a grand experiment. We are operating at the bleeding edge of technology with this stream.

As I type I am at the back of the conference room, and there is all kinds of activity happening around me. My entire team is scrambling to make sure we have everything in place. We go live in about 17 minutes.

So let the big experiment begin… and let the discussion begin. Please let me know what you think about the presentation and the entire experience. I want your feedback – the good, the bad, and the ugly.

