The Business Growth System

03/13/2007 |

Hey Guys,

The program is called the “Business Growth System”.

I’ve invested the last two years of my life developing and refining the most results-driven coaching program for entrepreneurs, marketers and small business owners as humanly possible.

I’ve poured my heart and soul into this thing.

Some people have compared it to an MBA for business builders. It’s an engrossing experience that drenches you with the mindset necessary for building a company that can produce massive income streams, even allowing you to work less as you make more.

One of the most important aspects is that it gives you a complete foundation for running a successful company. After you’re finished with my program, you’ll be capable of running a million dollar operation without breaking a sweat.

My goal is to transform you into a business building master. Into an entrepreneur who knows how to leverage his or her time and energy in the most efficient way possible. Someone who knows how to quickly build scale into to an operation to allow for maximum profits in the shortest possible time. I want you to get projects off the ground and to completion in the blink of an eye. I want you to find and then focus the efforts of an all-star team to effectively execute your grand (and profitable) vision.

Oh, did I forget to mention cash flow?

In my program, I give you the blunt truth about what it takes to quickly ramp up cash so that you have the resources you need to quickly take your business to the next level. I take cash flow VERY seriously and you’ll learn the exact methods I’ve used (in several businesses) to get the money flowing into the company at break-neck speed.

All of this is delivered to you inside a cutting-edge online coaching system. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Not only do you get an entrepreneurial education second to none, but you get access to a library of resources that you will not find anywhere else.

In fact, some of the stuff that’s included as a bonus is sold elsewhere for several thousand bucks. And since I have built relationships with the publishers of these products, they’ve agreed to allow me to provide them to you as part of my program. Due to contractual agreements, I cannot tell you who they are, but let’s just say they are premier experts in their respective fields.

But that’s just a small part of what you’ll get as a member of my Business Growth System. Here’s what else you’ll get:

12 In-Depth Profit Modules – In these, I lay out step-by-step exactly what you must do to build an extremely profitable company. I’ve got to warn you. These modules are sometimes overwhelming for some people. I pour a significant amount of time and detail into each one. But by saturating you with my insights and experience I’m hoping to over communicate the points I feel are necessary for you to build a wildly successful company. Each month you’ll receive a new module to help you grow your business in a methodical and profitable manner.

12 Comprehensive Action Guides
– This is where you get to take what you’ve learned in the module and apply it. These guide books will assist you in implementing everything you learn directly into your life and into your business. This is where the rubber meets the road.

And that just about covers it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them here.

What’s Happening On November 1st?

10/24/2006 | 127 Comments

Hey Guys,

As you can probably imagine, my office has been getting HAMMERED with phone calls and emails regarding the Final Chapter.

The MAIN question people are asking is, what’s the deal with your next program, and how can I get in?

Up until now, I’ve been TRYING to keep it under wraps.

I REALLY want the ideas from the Final Chapter to resonate with everyone. I want people to take their business to next level.

And I STRONGLY believe the Manifesto trilogy can do tha


The many, many emails and blog posts I’ve seen are FILLED with brilliant observations and insights on how to grow a business.

But since the doors to my office are CAVING in, and my staff is tired of answering the same questions over and over, I need to address the issue RIGHT now, once and for all.

So here’s the OFFICIAL statement:

YES, I’m introducing a new program on November 1st @ 4:00PM Eastern Time (mark your calendars).

…and yes, it’s going to be my best program to date.

Now as you know, I’ve made the transition to working with Agora nearly full time, in addition to working with my current clients.

But there is MASSIVE internal debate going on about the program.

Everyone involved, (Early To Rise, Strategic Profits, and my Internet Marketing Guru friends) ALL have different ideas on how to make this program the greatest program EVER to be offered.

Here’s the main issue, and I’m hoping you can help me out.

The program that is coming up on November 1st is going to be a hybrid program. It’s based off the knowledge and experience of the world’s most successful direct response business, Agora Publishing.

Agora (more specifically Early To Rise) is essentially a goldmine of business building knowledge. I’ve been mining their wisdom for a while, and even with my background and experience, I still can’t find an end to the mine shaft.

So that leads us to the issue at hand. We have what we believe is a VERY strong foundation for an INCREDIBLE program.

It’s called the Internet Wealth Alliance and it’s built around four fundamental principles. Briefly, they are:

1. List & Relationship Building: The cornerstone of any online business that has longevity. We’ll show you the most powerful ways to build a list, from the pros who have more names than any other direct response business in existence. Absolutely no one else can claim that. We’re talking millions and millions of names here.

2. Alliances and Joint Ventures: You can’t do it alone. You need alliance partners to expand the market and to leverage the efforts of others. You understand this already, especially if you’ve read any of my work. But in this program, we’ll show you how to develop powerful alliances, and even facilitate joint ventures between members, and potentially (IF it’s a good fit, Early To Rise).

3. Market Analysis: It’s important to provide the market what they want. This program will teach you how to find and develop your niche, and (this is UNPRECEDENTED) share some of our marketing experiments for you to see what’s hot and what’s not. This program will teach you advanced competitive intelligence, and go into great depth on how to setup a front-end that works. Agora is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on market tests. Sharing some of these results with you is valuable BEYOND calculation.

4. Proven Direct Response Models: To top things off, even if you know how to build a list, in the right niche, and have access to the right joint venture partners, that doesn’t guarantee success. Case in point, the big Internet gurus. Even THEY are doing things backwards. This fundamental cornerstone will teach you how you can build a multimillion dollar profit model that works, and works VERY, VERY well.

So there you have it, the four cornerstones of the program, complete with a panel of experts to guide you through every step of the way.

Everyone I talk to says this program WILL be the HOLY GRAIL of Internet Marketing programs, since it’s grounded in real world experience (and success) that is second to none.

But I STILL need to know one thing in order to feel that this program has everything it needs in order to go down in the history books as a massive success.

What is the ONE question that you absolutely need to have answered, in order for this program to be THE best investment of your life?

Please answer this one question, by commenting below.

More than ever, I am looking forward to your important feedback.

Warm Regards,
Rich Schefren

P.S. As far as the contest goes, you guys are off to a GREAT start. You can learn a TON just from reading all the brilliant responses on the blog. So keep the entries coming. I have a few favorites, but I’ll be looking for a few more over the next several days.

What Skills Are Important For Business Building?

03/27/2006 | Comment

There are lots of entrepreneurs who are quite knowledgeable;
however, effective entrepreneurs are much, much rarer.

it is the effective entrepreneur who succeeds in building
successful businesses.

As an entrepreneur, you and your company make no money for
simply knowing. You make money and build your business by
getting the right things done.

How to decide what are the right things and how to get
them done will be the primary focus of your upcoming

By highlighting both “what to do” and “how to do it” you’ll
learn (if you follow my lead and spend the few minutes each
day these emails require) what you do well, what you need to
improve on, what you are currently doing poorly and shouldn’t
be doing at all.

You’ll learn where you belong in your business, your niche and
your market.

Your first assignment:

(1) Take out a sheet of paper or open up a blank mindmap.

(2) Spend 3 minutes brainstorming what you believe are the
skill-sets an entrepreneur must have to be effective.

(3) Take 1 minute and rate your current level of performance
in these areas.

(4) Spend 30 seconds highlighting the areas you believe are
your biggest roadblocks to success.

(5) Take 2 minutes to answer this questions “What could you
do today (realistically) to be more effective?”

(6) Do the one thing you just decided would make you more
effective today.

That’s it for now, in the next post I’ll tell you what I believe are
the 5 skills every entrepreneur must develop to maximize their
effectiveness and truly be a Strategic Entrepreneur.

But for today, make sure to do one thing new or different that
you believe will make you more effective.