My Latest Advisory Is Ready

06/30/2007 | 19 Comments

The Attention Age Doctrine ready!

Well, to say the last few weeks have been crazy is an understatement. It’s all worth it though because the response is already overwhelming. I’m confident it will be the most important document you read all year.

As I type this blog post, I am being told by the office that our servers are already being over taxed with people downloading my latest document “The Attention Age Doctrine.” Sorry, thought we were all set… we even upgraded all or services for this release because we knew it was going to overshadow the original manifesto.

As your read my advisory, you’ll see that I have included a chance to win PERSONAL advice with several marketing legends. It’s a great chance to show off your marketing chops. You’ll have chance to win cash… and a chance to show off your marketing skill. Plus, who knows what that could do for your business!

All the details are in the Doctrine.

I now need to take a break so I can wrap up the finishing touches on my live seminar we’re doing in two weeks here in South Florida. I’ll be unveiling the strategies I’ve developed to help online business owners to profit from our new Attention-Deficit society.

Now it’s time you got down to some serious reading.

I really want you to get the most from The Doctrine, so print it out, grab a cold drink and your trusty highlighter and make yourself comfortable.

Then get ready for the ride of your life.

And please share your thoughts after reading “The Attention Age Doctrine” by posting your comments here:

To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren

P.S. If you haven’t registered for Jay Abraham’s conversation with me this weekend, you better do it now. It’s filling up fast.
To register go to:

Are You Really An Entrepreneur? Your Aspirations Will Tell You

01/26/2007 | 8 Comments

Last night I got lucky. No, it’s not what you think (remember I am happily married) – here’s what happened- I was in San Francisco yesterday preparing for my upcoming client seminar Feb 10+11.

Anyway, I took the red-eye flight from San Francisco to Atlanta cause I am speaking this weekend at Jim Edwards’ seminar here in Atlanta.

Well, I am not much for sleeping on planes – it’s actually one of the best places for me to get work done because I am strapped in and the only other alternative to sitting and working is going to the bathroom.

Back to how I got lucky.

The person sitting next to me was a successful entrepreneur whose name you’d recognize if you read even half the number of business books I do. So I introduced myself, and to my surprise he actually knew my name and had read the manifesto. (Apparently it’s been passed around in a lot of circles outside of internet marketing which is why we still have over 100 people a day opting in to get a copy!)

We passionately shared our insights about small business, big business and where an entrepreneur fits into the process. We agreed on many things – but there was one especially important point he told me about, that he’d figured out after his second success, which I didn’t realize it until my third success.

That’s what I want to share with you today.

He said he knew he was really an entrepreneur when he started his second business – when his aspirations were to one day be the Senior Vice President in charge of acquisitions. When I pressed him to clarify what he meant – he told me that all the excitement for him comes during the startup phase and that he hates having to create all the structures and processes needed to build and grow the business. So, by his second business he decided he wouldn’t do that all himself and instead he would get the business going and then bring in the right CEO, President, and people to work it — until the business grew so successful that he only served one small role in the company — the one that was once just an idea in his head to head up acquisitions.

I was struck by how similar our experiences were because I had a similar shift when I started Strategic Profits. I knew my current role, in the content creation side and coaching successful entrepreneurs, was what I wanted to do the most and that the day to day operations, marketing, etc., would be handled by my superstar team. And it’s happened…

If you are a real entrepreneur this should sound very appealing to you. You get to do more of what you want as you build and grow. Plus, as my company continues to grow and I see our profits climbing, I also notice that my calendar is getting lighter and lighter. The company that my ideas gave birth to is now grown up enough to take care of itself without me shouldering the bulk of the day to day load – actually it has already started to take care of me.

And this gives me tremendous freedom. Which is the whole reason I am entrepreneur in the first place – to create and be free.

Zero G
Two weeks ago I was reminded of how important freedom and fun are to me. Yanik Silver, Mike Filsaime, and yours truly went on a special flight called a Zero-G flight. It’s an incredible experience where you get to feel true weightlessness.

After the experience, Mike Filsaime and I were talking about how much fun we had and how important it is to make time for fun. We also promised each other we would make sure to plan a few extra fun experiences for 2007.

Think for a second. When was the last time you really had fun? Not just a giggle, but when you had a big stupid smile stretched across your face and you were laughing and feeling like you did when you were just a kid playing?

If it’s been over a month – then you’ve got to ask yourself: Why am I working so hard? What position do I aspire to have in my company? And what could I put on my ‘to do’ list that would be incredibly fun?

I’ve got more to share with you about what I was doing in San Francisco and the plane ride but I’ve got to run right now. Check back on Monday.

To Higher Profits

Analyzing Your Current Reality

11/17/2006 | 17 Comments

Hey Guys,

I hope you’re doing well!

And I hope you’re implementing some (or hopefully MANY) ideas from my recent reports.

Now as you probably know by now, the launch was NOT what I expected.

As usual, I’m writing something up that I think you’ll find very interesting (which you can then turn into business profit).

I don’t want to go into detail here, but what I’m about to reveal will be something that you’ve never heard from a well know marketing personality.

It’s all about analyzing what works and what doesn’t.

And facing the current reality can be one of the biggest challenges that any business owner can have.

So for now, please review the Internet Business Manifesto, The Missing Chapter, and The Final Chapter.

If you study these documents carefully, especially the sections on planning and strategy, then you may be able to discern what’s coming. 😉

To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren

P.S. The main lesson in this post is that there are probably things in your business that you’re not “owning up to”. These might be problems or issues that you just don’t want to face. They must be addressed. Your profits will thank you for doing so.

What’s Happening On November 1st?

10/24/2006 | 127 Comments

Hey Guys,

As you can probably imagine, my office has been getting HAMMERED with phone calls and emails regarding the Final Chapter.

The MAIN question people are asking is, what’s the deal with your next program, and how can I get in?

Up until now, I’ve been TRYING to keep it under wraps.

I REALLY want the ideas from the Final Chapter to resonate with everyone. I want people to take their business to next level.

And I STRONGLY believe the Manifesto trilogy can do tha


The many, many emails and blog posts I’ve seen are FILLED with brilliant observations and insights on how to grow a business.

But since the doors to my office are CAVING in, and my staff is tired of answering the same questions over and over, I need to address the issue RIGHT now, once and for all.

So here’s the OFFICIAL statement:

YES, I’m introducing a new program on November 1st @ 4:00PM Eastern Time (mark your calendars).

…and yes, it’s going to be my best program to date.

Now as you know, I’ve made the transition to working with Agora nearly full time, in addition to working with my current clients.

But there is MASSIVE internal debate going on about the program.

Everyone involved, (Early To Rise, Strategic Profits, and my Internet Marketing Guru friends) ALL have different ideas on how to make this program the greatest program EVER to be offered.

Here’s the main issue, and I’m hoping you can help me out.

The program that is coming up on November 1st is going to be a hybrid program. It’s based off the knowledge and experience of the world’s most successful direct response business, Agora Publishing.

Agora (more specifically Early To Rise) is essentially a goldmine of business building knowledge. I’ve been mining their wisdom for a while, and even with my background and experience, I still can’t find an end to the mine shaft.

So that leads us to the issue at hand. We have what we believe is a VERY strong foundation for an INCREDIBLE program.

It’s called the Internet Wealth Alliance and it’s built around four fundamental principles. Briefly, they are:

1. List & Relationship Building: The cornerstone of any online business that has longevity. We’ll show you the most powerful ways to build a list, from the pros who have more names than any other direct response business in existence. Absolutely no one else can claim that. We’re talking millions and millions of names here.

2. Alliances and Joint Ventures: You can’t do it alone. You need alliance partners to expand the market and to leverage the efforts of others. You understand this already, especially if you’ve read any of my work. But in this program, we’ll show you how to develop powerful alliances, and even facilitate joint ventures between members, and potentially (IF it’s a good fit, Early To Rise).

3. Market Analysis: It’s important to provide the market what they want. This program will teach you how to find and develop your niche, and (this is UNPRECEDENTED) share some of our marketing experiments for you to see what’s hot and what’s not. This program will teach you advanced competitive intelligence, and go into great depth on how to setup a front-end that works. Agora is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on market tests. Sharing some of these results with you is valuable BEYOND calculation.

4. Proven Direct Response Models: To top things off, even if you know how to build a list, in the right niche, and have access to the right joint venture partners, that doesn’t guarantee success. Case in point, the big Internet gurus. Even THEY are doing things backwards. This fundamental cornerstone will teach you how you can build a multimillion dollar profit model that works, and works VERY, VERY well.

So there you have it, the four cornerstones of the program, complete with a panel of experts to guide you through every step of the way.

Everyone I talk to says this program WILL be the HOLY GRAIL of Internet Marketing programs, since it’s grounded in real world experience (and success) that is second to none.

But I STILL need to know one thing in order to feel that this program has everything it needs in order to go down in the history books as a massive success.

What is the ONE question that you absolutely need to have answered, in order for this program to be THE best investment of your life?

Please answer this one question, by commenting below.

More than ever, I am looking forward to your important feedback.

Warm Regards,
Rich Schefren

P.S. As far as the contest goes, you guys are off to a GREAT start. You can learn a TON just from reading all the brilliant responses on the blog. So keep the entries coming. I have a few favorites, but I’ll be looking for a few more over the next several days.

Announcing The Final Chapter Of The Trilogy

10/10/2006 | 39 Comments

Hey Guys,

I’ve got some GREAT news. In just a few days, I’ll be releasing “The Final Chapter” of the Internet Business Manifesto trilogy.

I’m ABSOLUTELY convinced that this third and final installment is my BEST work to date. I’ve been showing off the ROUGH draft to some of my inner circle friends and they all think I’m NUTS
to be releasing it for free.

But, like I said before, I’m NOT going to leave anyone out in the cold, even if you couldn’t afford my exclusive coaching.

Now I’d like you to take a minute and think about what has changed in your business since you read the original Manifesto and the Missing Chapter.

It will reveal some DEEP insights into your personal approach to business, and what you need to CHANGE in order to be successful.

So leave a comment on this thread and let me know how things are progressing for you. It will be a good exercise for you, because it will force you to closely analyze your progress over the last three months. It will also help me tailor the remainder of the upcoming “Final Chapter” to address your most pressing issues.

Warm Regards,
Rich Schefren

How To Use Momentum To GROW!

08/23/2006 | 60 Comments

It’s been a little while since we last spoke.

But there has been some really cool stuff going on. I’m referring to the MASSIVE growth of my business.

If you’ll allow me a few minutes, I can show you how I am implementing the ideas from the Manifesto in my own business. Think of it as a mini-case study.


I’m playing to my strengths.

Believe it or not, I’m not the greatest hiring manager in the world. But that’s ok, because I know how to work around the problem.

I simply brought in a consultant (a longtime friend) to assist me with my team building efforts as the business grows. That way I can focus on what I like to do, (coaching my clients).


I’m buying a new office space (as opposed to renting) in order to house a larger staff.

Having a physical space for your team to work out of can really help to grow a business and build a cohesive team. Sure, virtual workers are useful, but I believe it’s useful to have a physical staff when building a multimillion dollar company.


My team is implementing and designing systems to deal with all the new clients that are now on board. It’s crucial to me that everyone is taken care of, and the only way to make sure that happens is to have standard procedures for handling issues.

I’d like to note here that the process of creating systems and standard procedures is not a “clean” process.

It takes a lot of “dirty” work before a routine or task can be systematized. A perfect process does not simply appear out of thin air. It takes a bit of refinement.

Well, that’s all for now. I just wanted to give you a bit of an update and let you know how things are going.

I hope you found this post useful, and as you can see, I am continuing to build on the momentum that my launch generated so I can take this business to the next level.

So as soon as I get everything running to my standards I’ll have some INCREDIBLE stuff to share with you that will really build on the manifesto and the missing chapter.


From A One Man Office To 150k

07/13/2006 | 19 Comments

I’ve interviewed a few coaching club members who were kind enough to spill the beans, and tell the world how my coaching program has DRAMATICALLY altered their business for the better.

Before I tell you how powerful this call is, I want to give you some special instructions.

I want you to listen to this call through a ‘filter.’ Since you’ve read the Manifesto and the Missing Chapter, I want you to keep those concepts at the top of your mind when you listen to my client discuss his INCREDIBLE path to a personal fortune.

Tonight’s call is with my client Mike Filsaime. And before you say, ‘well all his money was generated from the launch of Butterfly Marketing,’ I want to make one point.

When Mike started in my coaching program he was doing $15,000 a month. Fast forward 16 months later, he brought in over $150,000 with only 8% (about $10,000) coming from Butterfly Marketing.

Mike is a VERY sharp and VERY gracious guy. You will learn a TON as Mike walks you through step by step from working all alone to building a real Interent based business.

After listening to the MP3 and reading the transcripts, please post your thoughts here. If you did not receive the email with a link to the download (and you’re on my list) please let us know on this thread.

Rich Schefren

P.S DON’T FORGET to get your Front-Of-The-Line Pass tomorrow at NOON Eastern. You’ll be able to watch the firestorm LIVE, in real-time on the page as people start to flood the site in hopes of getting a pass.

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The Office Is Under Seige…

06/29/2006 | 212 Comments

My office has been under siege for the past two days and it looks like a horde of English World Cup soccer fans were parked here.

Ever since I released my Internet Business Manifesto, the phone has been ringing non-stop, Sheila my assistant has walked off the job three times because people insist on talking to me about the contents of the manifesto, and Debbie the secretary has told us we’re getting more calls coming in than the call center up stairs.

And to really top things off, my wife and daughters saw what was going on and high tailed it over to the other side of Florida for a “girl vacation.”

Our Alexa ranking is a cool 492 today and over 16,612 people have downloaded the manifesto.

It’s been one of the hottest topics on the Warrior Forum and I’ve been getting rave reviews from people like John Reese, John Carlton, Jim Edwards, and many more.

Here’s what Jim Edward’s told his list:

“Most people don’t know this, but 18 months ago I was so stressed out… strung out… and just plain tired, I was ready to quit the Internet at the “height” of my career…

All I did was work, sometimes 16-18 hours a day for days on end… and there was absolutely no end in sight. Yeah, I was making a good living, but my organization sucked and I was trying to do everything myself…

Then I met a guy who helped me understand that I was in charge of a *business* — not the “one-man band” that was getting ready to put me into an early grave. He is one of the main reasons I stayed online and now have a REAL organization that is growing by leaps and bounds with each passing month!”

Then, my server crashed briefly under the number of people trying to get their hands on the report. Let’s just say my bandwidth bill isn’t going to be cheap.

Plus, Dan my right hand man has found hundreds of bloggers from all corners of the web, discussing the manifesto and declaring it “the most important report to be released in years.”

Another one of my assistants, Kate, tells me there are thousands of people emailing me asking questions about the manifesto.

People are asking me what I’m going to be presenting at the Dan Kennedy Infomarketing Summit, and my new partners at the 300 million dollar company I’m working with are wondering why they can’t get through to me.

At one point, 17 people were opting in every second.

No wonder it’s so crazy around here.

But I’m not done. People have been begging me for more details about my strategies.

So I’m going to actually let you create the content for the follow up to the Internet Business Manifesto.

Here’s what I’d like you to do…

Answer the following question…

Q: After reading the manifesto, what is the one thing that you think will prevent you from achieving success similiar to that of my clients?

I’m preparing a video you should expect to see in your email box in the next few days. In it, I’ll try and answer some of
your questions.

I feel like Noah trying to hold back the flood…
