03/27/2008 |
Listen: No other blog post I have ever written has as much potential to dramatically change your life for the better as this one… so please read this post carefully and completely.

Q: If you held a gun to my head and forced me to pick just one marketing tactic to grow my business from zero to 8 figures in less than 20 months…which marketing strategy would I use?
A: Actually, it’s a trick question…because you wouldn’t have to hold a gun to my head… in fact –Strategic Profits took in $7.4 million in its first 12 months, and broke 8 figures in our second year using JUST ONE marketing strategy.
Better yet, I am convinced you can have the same level of success in less time than it took us. A bold claim? Perhaps, but by the time you finish this post you’ll understand why it’s completely doable for you.
So first, ask yourself this question…