Listen: No other blog post I have ever written has as much potential to dramatically change your life for the better as this one… so please read this post carefully and completely.
Q: If you held a gun to my head and forced me to pick just one marketing tactic to grow my business from zero to 8 figures in less than 20 months…which marketing strategy would I use?
A: Actually, it’s a trick question…because you wouldn’t have to hold a gun to my head… in fact –Strategic Profits took in $7.4 million in its first 12 months, and broke 8 figures in our second year using JUST ONE marketing strategy.
Better yet, I am convinced you can have the same level of success in less time than it took us. A bold claim? Perhaps, but by the time you finish this post you’ll understand why it’s completely doable for you.
So first, ask yourself this question…
Q: How much better and easier would it be to just master ONE explosive marketing strategy compared to the five…seven…ten…or even more less-than-stellar ones?
A: Because this one is the end-all, be-all of marketing strategies…something so powerful, so persuasive, and so amazingly simple, you can virtually open almost any vault, remove as much as you like, and create the perfect lifestyle.
This single marketing strategy delivered total and complete financial freedom to me and my family in just the first year of our business. And we’re not just talking ANY freedom–this is the kind that allows you to blow off work and do anything else that pleases you – whenever you damn well feel like it … and make you the hero of your home.
So, can you guess what it is? Can you figure out the one thing that changed my life, and made me wealthier than I ever dreamed possible?
Here’s where I reveal it. You may have seen this before, but it’s worth another look.
Now that the cat’s out of the bag, you might be wondering – how was I able to achieve such amazing results with this strategy?
I mean, you’ve heard about the amazing results that Jeff’s product has delivered–some even in the seven figure range.
But truth be told, I wanted MORE for Strategic Profits. I don’t like leaving things as important as my company’s success and my financial security to chance, so I was willing to take a few extra steps to make sure it happened.
And this is important to you for 2 reasons. So pay very close attention:
Reason 1: My Overall Approach Is Easy To Duplicate In Every Area Of Your Business:
Strategic Profit’s mind-boggling growth is no accident. I worked hard–DAMN-hard–to get it where it is today. But it would’nt have happened without Jeff’s Product Launch Formula as the cornerstone. And here’s the cool part–what I did in my business, you can do in yours. It’s completely duplicatable in every aspect…and it all starts with Product Launch Formula.
Reason 2: You Can Get It All For FREE–TODAY!
It’s true. I’m handing my entire step-by-step system for using Product Launch Formula to explode my profits. Like I said, I went above and beyond what’s in the course. I pored over every word…sucked every molecule of info from Jeff’s brain…researched until my eyes were bloodshot…created mindmaps and process sheets and everything in between.
And it’s all yours today with your purchase of Product Launch Formula 2.0. Just look at this mega-bonus package…
Profit-Busting – Bonus 1
Teleseminars With Jeff Walker & I Breaking Down In Intricate Detail My Clients Product Launch Strategies (Process Maps + Transcripts + Audios)
I quickly realized that, if I wanted to do a monster launch, I needed to learn a lot more. So Jeff and I did a series of calls talking about clients of mine (like Mike Filsaime) that had tremendous success with PLF. We did audios, transcripts, and process maps, including some killer stuff on how to utilize PLF when communicating with your affiliates. All those are included in this smokin’ hot package.
Profit-Busting – Bonus 2
Jeff’s Entire Presentation At Our August 07 Seminar – How To Use PLF To Break Through The Attention Barrier (DVD + Process Map)
Jeff spoke at our August event on how you have to use PLF to overcome the attention barrier – and left the stage to an overwhelming standing ovation. You’ll get a DVD of this hour long presentation along with the process maps I put together specifically for his seminar.
Profit-Busting – Bonus 3
Jeff’s 90 Minute Presentation On New And Improved Tactics From The Front Lines Of Product Launches (DVD + Mindmap)
Jeff also did another presentation that went even further than the first, showing us the evolutionary development of PLF and how to immediately apply these new findings in your business . You’ll get that DVD and mindmap of the presentation in your package.
Profit-Busting – Bonus 4
The Maven Creation System (DVDS + Software Programs + Transcripts + Action Guides)
The motherlode! This DVD Series reveals methods for erasing information overload, research secrets that produce my reports, mindmapping strategies to organize everything you ever learn so you can easily access any nugget of knowledge you have to wow your market, my productivity secrets, and much, much more. You’ll also receive two “must have”pieces of software–Faster Audio and Accelereader – so you can speed up the learning curve.
Profit-Busting – Bonus 5
The Complete Blueprint/Swipe File Of Every Marketing Piece (DVDS + Process Maps + Transcripts + Audio Companion +Action Guides)
Holy smokes, what a bonus…ever hear of the term, “I’m giving away the farm”? Well, this is more like handing you 100,000 square miles of prime soil. This power-packed package is EVERYTHING that I’ve used to take Strategic Profits from zero to over $7 million in less than 12 months.–all compiled in an easy-to-consume format. I’ll hand you all the steps I take to create a product launch, from the initial process maps to the final messages. You’ll virtually step inside Strategic Profits Central and look over my shoulder to see how I work…how I research…how I set up a work environment for maximum productivity and time management…and tons more. You can literally take this everything in this bonus and copy and paste it into your own business right now. I’m telling you–borrowing just ONE idea from this set could make you high six figures FAST!
Profit-Busting – Bonus 6
Mike Filsaime – Viral Product Launches (DVD + Process Maps)
Mike has mastered the techniques of viral marketing to generate millions of dollars in sales for himself and his clients. In this video, he reveals his secrets for generating waves a traffic and boatloads of profits (AWESOME stuff). You’ll learn the proper use of customer endorsements to get maximum response…the 3 delivery mechanisms for a marketing virus..easy ways to incentivize your prospects and affiliates to get 100 times greater response…the checklists and timelines you should use when preparing a viral marketing campaign…and that’s just for starters!Don’t miss this DVD and process map bonanza!
Profit-Busting – Bonus 7
Mike Filsaime – Latest Viral Techniques Working Right Now (DVD + Mindmaps)
Mike picks up where he left off in the previous video, offering up even MORE viral marketing strategies you can use right now to get massive attention and generate mega-profits. With this DVD and mindmaps, you’ll discover the specific steps you must take to create a marketing “virus”…12 elements that go into the “buzz” that makes your campaign irresistible…how to use joint ventures to create pre-launch buzz and much much more. Killer stuff!
Whew..that’s a lot of stuff.
But wait–there’s even more! I’m backing it up with this promise:
So why am I giving away so much here?
Because I want everybody to have this product. I believe this is a requirement for your marketing and business building success, so I’m including everything I’ve ever done that’s helped me do successful product launches.
Like I mentioned earlier, we did 7.4 million in our first 12 months. And I want people to understand my steadfast commitment towards the Product Launch Formula and why I am such a big fan.
Oh, and one more thing—in the 2 ½ years since Jeff released the Product Launch Formula, he hasn’t released a single other product.
Why? Because Jeff has been refining and developing the process to show how to implement PLF with the latest and greatest developments, like social marketing, video, and Web 2.0.
I think that’s very admirable and respectable in the sense that it’s never about the “flavor of the month” with Jeff Walker. It’s about taking an incredibly effective tool and making it even better…and he’s done exactly that with PLF 2.0.
So that’s that. This is such a great opportunity to be one of the first people to get PLF 2.0. I can’t praise a product more than I’ve already done. If my success has any impact on your decision making process, this product has my absolute strongest recommendation. I am positive the people who get this first will have a tremendous advantage and a tremendous opportunity.
(and all the bonuses mentioned above)