03/23/2009 |
It’s been a whirlwind week…
Ever since word got out about Jay Abraham’s FREE Masters Of Recessionary Income Teleseminar, we’ve been flooded with calls and emails from people virtually gushing about this call.
Thousands of marketers, entrepreneurs, and business owners have listened so far, and they’re raving about the tremendous strategies and tactics for generating MASSIVE income during a down economy.
Have you listened yet? Because if you haven’t, you should.
And the best part is, YOU CAN. Right here, right now.
Listen To Jay’s Call For FREE Here!
Inside, Jay reveals 42 different ways for your business to make big money when all around you are crying doom and gloom.
And today, I wanted to pull out one specific tactic and highlight it specifically–just so you can see the enormous value of what Jay is offering.
It’s called “Capitalizing on Capitalism” and the premise is very simple: you make money for your business by leveraging the assets of OTHER businesses.
Let me explain…
In a recessionary economy, there’s always leverage points or impact areas inside another’s business that they don’t see, but you can tap into.
So you go to these businesses and offer to exploit these leverage points for them on a pure performance basis, where you only get paid out of the added profit results.
No desperate, shell-shocked business owner in their right mind would turn down an offer of newfound profits, above and beyond what they are earning right now, and only pay you a small share of this increase.
For example, four recessions ago, Jay found a struggling brokerage house that was only doing $300,000 in annual commissions by selling and marketing the conventional way.
He quickly shifted their entire marketing approach from one of paid ads to a pure, performance-based revenue sharing deal with a large group of financial advertising sources.
The result? Sales skyrocketed to $500 million and Jay’s investment of effort (and zero risk) made him $2,000,000.00 in just an 18 month period.
Another example: Jay found a seminar company that only offered entry level low priced seminars. So he created the first and only advanced seminar they’d ever offered.
It made them two million dollars in 30 days. Jay’s share? A whopping $200,000.00 for a few days work.
Of course, these are not promises that you’ll earn that kind of money so quickly. But it does show you the amazing POSSIBILITIES that this strategy offers to put a bulging wad of cash in your pockets.
In fact, consistent 4 or 5 figure profit shares for yourself is actually quite doable. And here’s 7 easy ways you can implement this strategy NOW for massive revenue.
Revenue Generating Strategy 1. Go to any company who has lost customers, clients or patients. Offer to reactivate old buyers and turn them into new ones. Even in a recession, it’s possible to restart up to 40% of the people who stopped buying in the past.
Revenue Generating Strategy 2. Show companies how to increase the size of each sale by adding other products or services to the purchase mix. They could even offer bigger financial incentives for people making larger purchases. This tactic has been proven to increase sales (and most importantly profits to the business owner), by as much as 50%.
Revenue Generating Strategy 3. Find other related/complementary products or services that you can offer to the past buyers of a business (that will add 50 to 75% net profit to the owner’s bottom line). They are far more available than you possibly think.
Revenue Generating Strategy 4. Show business owners how, instead of adding more products to increase profits, they can cut up to 40% out of their current overhead and get the same effect. This can be attained by utilizing joint ventures, strategic alliances, and host beneficiary relationships–resulting in HUGE savings.
Revenue Generating Strategy 5. Use a discount media service to cut their advertising costs by 40%. Few business owners know they exist and that this is easily done. Once, Jay took over the rights to acquire full page newspaper ads for a company. He negotiated to keep 80% of all ad savings he generated for them over a certain period. On average, Jay saved them $25,000 a month just by pairing the newspapers together and buying those same ads from a discount media source.
Revenue Generating Strategy 6. If your talents lie in the creative areas, you can always step in and help make all their ads, sales approaches, promotions, and marketing activities perform better just by tweaking the copy or design–for a nice percentage of the increase. Even something as simple as a headline change can easily increase responses, leads, sales and profits up to 21 times.
Revenue Generating Strategy 7. If the sales force consists of person-to-person contact (either face-to-face, on the phone, or in email), some small changes in what they say, how they say it, the way the sale is generated, or even the bonuses that are offered can double, redouble, even redouble again the results a business produces–even in a recession.
Amazing, aren’t they? And that’s just seven.
Jay’s got a LOT more inside here. And they won’t cost you a cent.
Listen To Jay’s Call For FREE Here!
There’s no opt-in necessary. Just click, sit back and listen to the most successful marketer in history spill the beans on how he’s made multiple millions of dollars for his clients during a recession.
If you’re an entrepreneur, marketer or business owner who’s struggling to get by during these tough economic times, then you MUST listen to this call.
Because the sage, time-tested wisdom Jay reveals inside can literally transform your business and start putting serious profits in your bank accounts–today, tomorrow, and for years to come.
And that’s what you REALLY want, right? (Beside, it’s free.)
Listen To Jay’s Call For FREE Here!
See you there…
To Higher Profits,
P.S. I’ve listened to this call more than once, and I’ve got pages and pages of notes. But what about you?
What takeaways did you come up with? What were your “aha” moments? Which of Jay’s 42 techniques really got your blood pumping as something you could implement immediately for instant cash flow?
Let me know in the comments below. I’ll compare with my notes and we’ll see if we’re thinking on the same wavelength.