A blizzard of questions – a ton of answers …

Business Acceleration Program
Business Acceleration Program

Have you noticed?

The blog is lighting up like a Christmas tree. Plus my inbox is jammed to overflowing too – and my Business Acceleration Program is the reason.

I’ve honestly never seen anything like it: Seems thousands of people have questions – important questions about my Business Acceleration Program – far more questions than with any other product I’ve ever created.

In fact, we’re getting so many inquiries, it just wouldn’t seem right to release my Business Acceleration Program tomorrow. With only one thousand copies available, it wouldn’t be fair to begin taking order until I’ve fully satisfied everyone’s curiosity.

So I’ve I’ve decided to delay the launch by 48 hours. That way, I can answer all these questions and help you decide whether the Business Acceleration Program is right for you or not.

So …


… at Noon (Eastern) this Thursday, December 20th.

Fair warning, though: This is the first, last and ONLY time I can postpone this release. With the holidays nearly upon us, there’s no way I can delay a minute longer – so if you still have questions for me, let’s hear ‘em!

But please post them on the blog, my email accounts are already filled to the brim, OK?

In the meantime, let me answer some of the questions that are piling up …

Q: “Is your Business Acceleration Program appropriate for the person who wants to avoid being involved with a “big” company? Can you actually BE the ‘hermit in a cave’ (where the cave is your living room) and use the Business Acceleration Program?

Q: “I am a complete newbie. This seems to be for those who have already gotten their feet wet. Is this true or can this actually help someone like me, too?

Q: “You’ve had lots of questions about whether your program is useful for complete newbies, but I’m a little further on. Will it work for me?

A: I addressed this in my last post when I said …

Fear not — the whole point of my Business Acceleration Program is to simplify and uncomplicate the process of growing a business. And the fact is, these tools can be even more powerful in the hands of a person who’s just getting started.

In the early stages of a business, you’re lean, mean, hungry and fleet-footed able to incorporate new tools in the twinkling of an eye!

My Business Acceleration Program is a tool. A whole toolbox, actually. And it’s packed hundreds of hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches you need to build a world-class online business today.

You get things that save you time, save you money, eliminate workday drudgery & get you the information you need to hammer the competition… and even some tools that make it possible for you to do things that you couldn’t do in a million years with your bare hands!”

Now, I’ll go even further….

I honestly can’t think of a program that is better suited for people at every stage of web marketing: Newbies to seasoned pros … those whose mission is to build a small, manageable company or a massive global corporation online … and everyone in between.

Here’s why…

To win online today, you need to embrace the new model I introduced in The Attention Age Doctrine II. And it’s the same approach no matter where you are in your business development process.

Plus, I’m including many of my own personal tools – things that eliminate information overload in my own life … give me the ability to absorb information up to four times faster while improving my retention of that information … and that empower me to quickly find solutions I need to light the fuse on an explosion of business growth.

Next question…..

Q: “What is the price going to be? Obviously, this is Christmastime. I would like to have some idea of what to budget. I know this takes away the intrigue, but I think it’s safe to say you are going to sell as many as you can get out initially regardless of telling us us price.

A: As you may know, many mentors like Jay Abraham charge upwards of $25,000 for a comprehensive product like this one. And of course, my own Business Growth System sold out in a flash at $5,000 a seat.

The good news is, I’ve priced my Business Acceleration Program at a fraction of that price. We’ve really sharpened our pencils on this one. The price is just enough to cover our cost of development, production, and affiliate commissions – and still allow Strategic Profits to eke out a small profit (far less than on any program I’ve done before).

Of course, some will say that we should just give everything away for free. But fifty families rely on my company as their sole source of income – and I care deeply about these people. They worked their keesters off to make my Business Acceleration Program the finest, most advanced business growth tool possible. They deserve to be paid a living wage.

As for payment plans, I have every confidence that the 200,000-plus friends on our lists will snap up the 1,000 available copies of my Business Acceleration Program in no time flat – even at the full price.

Nevertheless, I never want price to be an issue between us – especially at this time of the year. So I’m going to give you the option of paying in convenient installments. And if you should choose to go the payment route, you’ll pay the exact same price as those who pay the full price up front.

Next question….

Q: “I’m still struggling with WHAT business I should be in. Do you have any programs/thoughts on how to create new online businesses for the newbie? Specifically, opportunity identification, creating and testing viable product ideas, etc …

A: You’re gonna love this: One of the bonuses you get with your Business Acceleration Program helps you identify your strengths so you can pick a business that you’ll have a passion for … that you’ll be great at … and that will give you the greatest odds of enjoying a smashing success.

These are very powerful tools that we created for members of my high-level coaching program — and you get them free with my Business Acceleration Program!

Next …

Q: “I’m wondering if this program is directly related to The Attention Age Doctrine II.
“I’m wanting a blueprint directly related to the material in that document. I’m not sure if that’s what the Business Acceleration Program is, or if it’s about more general business-building principles. “I need the former — blueprints and tools for becoming a maven in your market (from scratch.) I hope that the sales materials will make clear what the program actually entails.

A: Absolutely – in fact, you could say that my Business Acceleration Program is the embodiment and the fulfillment of The Attention Age Doctrine II — and the blueprint for turning its concepts into money in the bank for you.
Every module and every bonus associated with my Business Acceleration Program was specifically and painstakingly designed to …

  1. Make you not just “a” maven, but THE maven prospects and customers in your market seek out, and …
  2. Harness the power of Doctrine Styled Marketing (Marketing 2.0) to create an explosive online presence that bring you hundreds of thousands of new leads and customers and millions of dollars in new sales every year …
    … all without spending a single penny on banner ads, PPC, SEO, e-mail lists or offline advertising of any kind.

Q: “Does this program compliment your Business Growth Program? I have done that and use some of that but i don’t want to pay for much the same stuff. How is your Business Acceleration Program different?

A: There is no overlap whatsoever. My Business Acceleration Program focuses entirely on Marketing 2.0. It gives you hundreds of powerful tools to help you establish yourself as a maven in your industry and for leveraging the amazing power of viral marketing, multi-channel marketing, launches, plus much more instant-result tactics in our attention-challenged online world.

Q: “What makes your new Business Acceleration Program different from Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula?

A: Jeff’s product is strictly about The Product Launch Formula – so it goes into incredible depth on every little nuance of product launches.

My Business Acceleration Program is about how to become the maven in your market – it goes into incredible detail on exactly how to do that.

And because Jeff’s Product Launch Formula is a powerful way to become famous in your market, I asked Jeff to give you a fascinating update and a comprehensive summary of product launch without all the details provided in Jeff’s product.

Q: Who definitely should NOT buy the Business Acceleration Program?”

A: I love this question! Here’s my frank, honest answer …

If you’re just looking to make a few extra dollars each month, and not serious about building a real, viable, quickly growing business …

If you think the simple act of buying my program should be enough – and feel that diligent work applying these principles is beneath you …

If you hawk shoddy products at inflated prices and view buyers as suckers, dreamers, or fools …

Or if you’re unwilling to do the work to become a maven in your market … to create valuable content and gift it to the marketplace … and to trust your prospects to become your best salespeople …

… please – I beg you: Do NOT buy my Business Acceleration Program. It is not for you.

But if your mission is to create a substantial, growing business (or profits)… if you’re eager to invest some elbow grease to make it happen … if your vision is to create products that bring enormous value to your customers lives … if you’re looking for a way to leverage the awesome power of Marketing 2.0 to accelerate your growth and profits …

… I’m convinced my Business Acceleration Program will be a godsend for you.

Hope this helps …
— Rich

P.S. One more important Q & A:

Q: “I’m definitely going to snap up the first copy I can lay my hands on – but I’m worried you’ll be sold out before I can place my order. Is there any way I can get advance notice so I can get in ahead of the thundering herd?

A: Absolutely. We’re announcing our “Front-of-the-Line” Pass program tomorrow – so watch your inbox!