Was that a crazy ride or what?
It’s 12:30am, twelve and a half hours since we closed admission to my coaching program. I am still receiving requests to get in (we’ve been getting them all day) and the answer unfortunately is no. It’s not that we don’t have the room, but my staff and I have our hands full right now, and I would rather spend my time focusing on my clients. Also, I learned a long time ago that your word is very important – and I intend to keep mine. A deadline is a deadline.
To all my new clients – You will be hearing from me very shortly, and I am very excited to get started, I believe that you will see more of this group go on to bigger and better ventures then any other group I have worked with.
To all of you who couldn’t take part, I plan on releasing more free content for you, and in the very near future I will be sending out a link to a survey asking what it is you would like from me and what you would be willing to pay for it. If I get some good ideas that don’t diminish the value of what I am providing my clients and doesn’t require an inordinate amount of my time then I will certainly entertain it.
I had a meeting today with the group over at Agora, and I’ve got some awesome stuff planned that I am sure you are all going to flip out over. It’s not a 100% certain yet, but I might be doing a series of calls with some of the business people I respect and have learned the most from. If it ends up happening… you’ll be the first to know.
I need to get back to work right now – but I wanted to say thank you to everyone, it’s a humbling experience to see so many people moved by my work. I certainly want to give more too, and I will. But first I must attend to all my new clients and bring them into the fold.
Keep posting here too – I read every comment, some I respond to by email, some I chose to ignore, and some bring a smile to my face and let me know that all my hard work is worth it.
Good night all – and have a great weekend, and be on the lookout for my survey, I am sure we’ll put it out sometime next week.
PS – Did you see the video from the winner of the free hour with me? I gave him some suggestions that i know will multiply his short term and long term profits but his video testimonial is really over the top. I actually thought about sending it back to him and asking if he wouldn’t mind toning it down a little, but I asked a few people to tell me what they thought and they said you could tell he’s being genuine. I know he is – so I posted it (previous entry). What do you think?