Shatter The Five Barriers To Making The Sale

So let’s touch back on that original question from last post – how can I make money fast?

Like I said in the last post, when you don’t have a lot of resources to work with, that’s the wrong question. The better question is, “How can I quickly create value for some group of people that would be interested in paying for it?”

So last time we crawled into your prospects’ heads and answered a series of questions about the things they dislike or that frustrate them.

Before we move on (as a little bonus) I want to share a couple other general questions you can ask to target your market’s “value targets.”

These are a little more general than thinking through the answers that your prospects would give, but they’re just as effective.

  1. What problems are they facing?
  2. What are their needs and burning desires?
  3. Where does it hurt?
  4. What are their fears?
  5. What are their frustrations?
  6. What are their questions and doubts?
  7. What objections do they have?

So those are some other questions you need to fully explore.

You need to.

In fact, this type of thinking is some of the most profitable thinking you can do because it leverages your marketing. And that’s one of the most powerful leverage points inside a business. (A lot of struggling entrepreneurs underestimate the value of thinking as not productive or a waste of time. That’s a huge mistake.)

Now while we’re on these questions, I want to expand specifically on number seven. That’s an important one.

Your prospects will always come to you with some skepticism. Some reason for not wanting to buy. And it is imperative that you overcome them.

Now the reasons can be quite varied. But there are some basic objections in marketing that I want to get you started thinking about….

1: I Don’t Have Enough Time

The first one is:

I don’t have enough time.

Sounds pretty simple. In fact, that objection is so powerful these days that it impacts even your ability to engage your prospects in your marketing. That’s the reason why advertorials – newspapers ads that look like articles – and things like that perform better.

Because when people don’t have enough time, what they’re going to stop and read, what they’re going to get on a webinar for, has got to provide value. That’s the secret. You have to provide value and the value you provide has to be worth more than their time.

Those of you who have been following me for years know that I always have two outcomes when I write a report or create a webinar. One is to make the sale. But the second was for the people that don’t buy. I want them to feel like they got value; that their time wasn’t wasted so that I’d have an opportunity in the future to market to them again.

So how do you overcome “I don’t have enough time.” Think about what can you tease them with? What can you promise them that even just by engaging in your marketing, they will be better off? How can you add value to your marketing?

2: I Don’t Have Enough Money

The next one is:

I don’t have enough money.

To overcome this objection, you have to show them your price point is not as much money as they think. How do you do that? You can present an argument saying it’s less than what they’d spend later. You can position your product so as to build a bigger value for your product in their minds. People will almost always pay $10 for something they think is worth $20!

3: It Won’t Work (Do Not Skip This One…)

The third one is:

It won’t work

…or more specifically

It won’t work for me.

To overcome this, you have to prove that your solution will work. Dan Kennedy said something years ago that has always stuck with me and I think its so genius that it’s worth repeating. He said that there are three levels of proof. There’s proof that you can do it. There’s proof that you can teach others to do it. There’s proof that you can teach someone worse off or “dumber” than your prospect to do it.

That third element is key. And whats worse, it’s the one that most marketers ignore. Because most people walk around with some kind of self-esteem problems. They’re not good enough, they’re not worthy, they’re too far behind, they don’t have the natural talents…

I think we can all imagine ourselves in situations where we believe that the instructor is great. We believe the instructor has even taught other people some kind of greatness, and yet we will don’t believe that this instructor can help us be great. That’s a self-esteem issue and the way to overcome it is by showing the success of your product for those who your prospect would deem worse off than they are.

4: I Don’t Believe You

The next one is:

I don’t believe you.

You can deal with this one in two ways.

First you need to make yourself trustworthy to your prospect. You have to show them that you are worthy of their trust.

Second, you need to produce enough proof – verifiable type proof so they can fully embrace what it is you’re saying.

5: I Can Do It Myself

Finally we have:

I don’t need this.


I don’t need you.

Essentially they’re saying “I can get my outcome, I can get what I want without you in my life.” Your job there is simple. You’ve got to show them why that’s a bad idea.

So these are five basic objections that you need to consider in any marketing that you do.

  1. I don’t have enough time,
  2. I don’t have enough money,
  3. It won’t work for me,
  4. I don’t believe you and
  5. I don’t need you.

Spend some time thinking about how to overcome those objections and you’ll be taking dead aim at your prospects’ “value targets.”