What would your business look like if I deconstructed, dissected, and detailed the areas where you are facing the biggest challenges and reworked them so they became the biggest profit centers of your newly remade, reorganized business?
I’m going to do that for ONE lucky person on my list, so they can experience a true feeling of independence on July 4th.
This is an opportunity for you to work with me, one-on-one, no holds barred, mono-e-mono, on your business…just as though you were one of my clients.
We’ll take apart your business, brick by brick, and replace the clay with solid gold.
If you would like me to re-engineer your business, in a lightning 60 minute makeover, absolutely F*R*E*E, you have to do only one thing…
…tell me why I should choose you?
Right now, I want you to tell me about your business, your single biggest strength and why you deserve to have me work on your business. When you post, make sure to fill out the private email field, so that we can contact you if you are selected.
You have until noon time on Sunday to submit your post. All posts submitted after that deadline will not considered. With that being said, please understand that this is not a race for the fastest post – I’m looking for the best answer.
One other thing. Today, Friday, my assistance Sheila did not come to work.
She refused to take one more phone call from people trying to “cut” into line trying to secure a spot in my coaching program.
Please – for the sake of harmony in my office – do not call and ask that your business be selected.
Rich Schefren
P.S. Ever since our Alexa score hit 492, our server has developed a sever case of arthritis. If you experience any problems posting, please be patient and stick with it. I look forward to reading your posts.